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Hand Craft

Using watercolour, Oil Painting and Acrylic to describe daily life or abstract feeling and imagination from my mind.

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Using watercolours to show a studio setting about nightmares, I believe most demons come from oneself, and the eyes themselves are the best expression. The review and judgment of a bunch of eyes will be contemplative and simultaneously be brought into the atmosphere, feeling the existence of nightmares.

Using a hybrid method of watercolour and collage to show two different human bodies.

This watercolour painting wants to express a proverb: disease is a state of mind. It shows the harm of psychological pathology to people through red, blue, black, and white. This harm will cause people to melt and integrate into the sick psychology gradually. However, there is still a mask on the head as a mask in social life, a protective layer positive feel.


Use ink, collage and marker to create different dreams.

Use different materials to show the figure drawing.
Using oil paint and acrylic to draw daily life. One is for birthday parties, the other is daily sketching for fruit and machine.
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